Investigation dEPARTMENT

The mission of the Criminal Investigation Bureau is to provide the citizens and visitors of Monroe with a professional Law Enforcement team, dedicated to honoring our Oath of Office, out Law Enforcement code of ethics, our department mission statement, and the policies and procedures set by the Monroe Police Department. Our goal is to apply the investigative knowledge and skills to develop leads, facts, and any other relative information that may assist in solving crimes in an effective and professional manner. It is our dedicated effort to provide superior investigative services to the City of Monroe to preserve a quality of life that our community and visitors can enjoy.

The Criminal Investigations Bureau is comprised of the following Criminal Investigative Division: Violent Crimes, Property Crimes, and Crime Scene Investigation. The Violent Crimes Division conducts investigations into crimes such as Homicides, Cold Cases, Assaults, Robbery, Kidnapping, Missing Persons, Extortion, and Aggravated Battery. 

The Violent Crime Division is also comprised of a Sex Crime and Child Abuse Unit. This unit investigates Rapes, Sex related offenses, crimes committed against children, and crimes committee against the elderly/infirm. Domestic Violence investigations and Juvenile investigations operate under the Violent Crimes Division.

The Property Crimes Division conducts investigations of crimes that includes Thefts, Burglaries, Pawned Items, Auto Thefts, Financial Crimes, etc.…

The Crime Scene Division is comprised of Investigators responsible for processing crime scenes and collecting evidence. The division also assists in fingerprint identification and forensic imaging.

The Evidence Department also operates under the Investigation Bureau. This department is responsible for maintaining the safe storage and security of criminal evidence and seized and recovered property until such time it is released by the courts or returned to its rightful owners.

Criminal investigations Bureau

Bureau Commander

Major James Marlow
(318) 812-7596

Assistant Bureau Commander

Captain Brant Heath
(318) 329-2606